If you experience difficulties using your KardiaMobile 6L, refer to the troubleshooting guide
below or contact technical support at support@alivecor.in.
I'm having trouble getting a clear recording.
- If you have dry skin, moisten with water or a water-based lotion.
If recording a Six-Lead EKG, it is important to place device on your left leg (knee or inside ofthe ankle). The device must be used on bare skin for an accurate recording.
Ensure that your arms, hands and left leg remain still to reduce muscle noise. Do not applytoo much pressure to the electrodes.
Avoid close proximity to items that may cause electrical interference (electronic equipment,computers, chargers, routers, etc.)
If you wear hearing aids, turn them off prior to recording.
Clean the electrodes on the KardiaMobile 6L by spraying with an alcohol-based sanitizerand wiping with a soft cloth
My KardiaMobile 6L is not working.
- Make sure Bluetooth is turned on in your smartphone or tablet settings and follow the steps
- in "Record a Single-Lead EKG" or "Record a Six-Lead EKG."
- If Bluetooth is on, try to un-pair and pair again to your KardiaMobile 6L.
- If Bluetooth is on and your device is not connecting or pairing it’s possible that your battery needs to be replaced. Follow the “Maintenance” instructions to replace the battery, which is located under the bottom electrode of the device.
I want to take a Six-Lead EKG, but only a Single-Lead EKG appears while recording.
- Make sure the Six-Lead EKG option is selected.
- Ensure that the bottom electrode is touching the skin above your left knee or your left ankle.
- The device must be used on bare skin for an accurate recording.
On my EKG, the recording appears upside down.
- Six-Lead EKG
- Make sure the AliveCor logo is in the correct orientation.
- Make sure your thumbs are touching the 2 top electrodes and that the bottom electrode is touching the skin above your left knee or your left ankle.
- Single-Lead EKG
- Make sure the AliveCor logo is in the correct orientation.
- On the EKG tracing, select the “Invert” option to flip the orientation of the EKG.
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